Archive for March, 2012

March 20, 2012

New Bicycle :o)

I have a new bicycle, which I bought from Lovely Janet next door.  As she had ridden it only once,
it is as new as a new thing can be.
Toyboy Husband has transfered the baskets from my old bicycle..not as pretty but sometimes I have to be practical.

Before pimping


After pimping…not so pretty but still lovely. I shall find ways to make her look perdier again.
Such a lovely bicycle needs a name so I have called her Mrs P.

March 19, 2012

Hooray Ebay!

We collected this last night

…an Ebay bargain (they are still out there). Two lidded tureens, two oval platters, three dinner plates, six side plates and a gravy boat in Johnson Brothers “The Exeter”. This design has long been retired and usually sells for £10 a plate so I am very pleased with this.

March 15, 2012

Real work and blog relocation

I have spent most of today (so far) changing the look of this blog and relocating Ralph’s Dog Blog

It is real work, really it is!

March 14, 2012


Ha! I kicked wotsit in the River Cottage forums and Bloomsbury are correcting the Parmesan error in the next print run of River Cottage Veg Everyday. I was even referenced in the Guardian online!

March 2, 2012

The Scott Polar Research Institute: These Rough Notes

I’ve been to the current exhibition at The Scott Polar Research Institute and wowsers!
It’s  The story of the Terra Nova expedition, explored through the letters, diaries and photographs of its members, is being told in this once-in-a-lifetime exhibition at the Polar Museum.

I really loved it and was a bit overcome to see the actual journals. I took a very rubbish photograph of this:

Captain Scott’s final journal open on the last entry…oh yes!

It was a bit of a wobbly moment for me so it’s actually a bit of a blur (not unlike the photograph) so my wonderful husband (did I mention we’re married now?) is going to take me back; maybe I’ll get a better picture…

Here are a couple of better pictures; click on them for a better view.

I’m slowly working my way through as many acccounts from different angles of Scott’s final expedition as I can find. I’m also reading accounts of the Discovery, Nimrod and Endurance expeditions. I’d love to find a copy of Priestley’s journal from the Northern Party which was part of Scott’s Final Expedition…I found one for £1350 but I’d like to pay a little less!