Posts tagged ‘Docetaxol’

September 17, 2012

Mine’s bigger than yours…

Mr Sheep (that name took some thought) comparing his bandages with mine…lightweight!

Catching up with The Archers Omnibus.

All being well, I should be going home tomorrow.

I’ve missed TB more than I thought possible. He’s spent several hours each day here
but when the lights are dimmed I miss holding his hand as I fall asleep.

September 13, 2012

Sheep, sun and rebel rousers…

I have to keep my chemo veins stretched which is much easier to do if I warm them first
and now I have this wheat filled chap

Here’s Mr Sheep, about to be zapped!
Thank you, Jonathan…for you kindness and conversion of virtual hugs into the real thing.

For the last few days I’ve felt really bad. This docetaxol is evil stuff but I’m hoping evil is as evil does when it comes to killing of the cancer cells.

Last weekend was beautifully sunny and hot and although I felt dreadful, my spirits were lifted by the gathering my neighbour had in her  garden. There was much laughter and singing of Polish songs and everyone was having such a good time a little of it rubbed off on me. The festivities ceased before dark ( I was hoping for more rousing ditties!) but my smile remained.

I could do with a bit of rebel rousing now…I’ve been in bed all morning, mostly asleep which I like because then I can’t feel the pain but I’d rather be in the kitchen baking. Soon, I tell myself, soon…

September 5, 2012

Need a builder? Call me quick x

I took a massive dose of steroids last night as instructed and was bouncing off the ceiling. I took another massive dose this morning and will take another this evening. So, if you need your garden landscaping or a kitchen extending overnight, I’m your man. Give me a call and I will be round faster than a fast thing!

Docetaxol incognito because it’s light sensitive.
Interestingly, one of its side effects is me being light sensitive so need sunblock (sun?), shades, dark nails…

Monday was my first infusion of Herceptin…had to spend six hours at the hospital as it’s nasty stuff and they
need to monitor me to make sure I have no adverse reaction, which I didn’t.
Tuesday was an ECG as Herceptin can cause heart damage, even failure, so that will act as a benchmark
for regular checks; also had pre-chemo blood test.
Today. was my first infusion of Docetaxol, my new chemo drug.

At about half past midnight last night, after we’d exhausted all the television options (isn’t there some awful crap on there?) I said we should go to bed as TB needed to sleep even if I didn’t. After about half an hour in bed he asked (with a smile) if I was going to stop talking so he could sleep or should we get up again. Can’t help thinking now that I missed an opportunity for some all night luuuurve…

And a huge Thank You to Captain John and Mrs Captain for helping out with the children on Monday. Being able to have TB with me for a couple of hours made such a difference.