Archive for August, 2013

August 7, 2013

If you were alone on a deserted island…

I wish I could have put it like this:

“If you were alone on a deserted island with a pig, would you eat the pig or starve?”

“Hmm. If you were not alone, living on a planet with 7 billion people, had access to unlimited fresh fruits, vegetables, nuts, beans and other healthy foods and knew animals suffer and die horrible deaths so you could eat them when you don’t need to eat them to survive, would you continue to eat them?

The difference between our questions is that your scenario will never happen and mine is the choice you face right now.

Which do you believe is worth answering?”

-Andrew Kirschner

and there’d be enough to feed the world!

August 5, 2013

Keep triing…

A couple of weeks ago TB took part in another triathlon.

SONY DSCThis time he was crowned with a blue hat!

SONY DSCDigging this action shot taken by The Captain

SONY DSCTransition

SONY DSCComing back to transition

SONY DSCHeading for the finish line and my waiting arms…
which makes me totally forget the early start and standing in the cold.

I’m still waiting for a date for my oooooopherectomy but am not letting it hold me back.
I’ve been working on a six week back into shape plan. I’m now on week eight…

My nurse told me the drug Herceptin generally slows the metabolism which leads to weight gain.
This explains why I’m not seeing the usual weight training results. Although I am still a UK size 6 and under 7 stone (also under 5′ 2″) my new six pack is hidden beneath a Herceptin tummy. So I am cutting out all wasted calories!