Archive for September, 2013

September 5, 2013

Great nails, neat hair but stuffed veins

Last week I had my first ever manicure. I’ve always done my nails myself but this time I wanted polish that won’t chip within a day so I opted for a gel thingy. And wowsers…awesomeness abounds!

Tracey did this…

…lovely, no?


I also had a tidy-up-haircut and am grateful to Jo for not touching the top and sides. It’s hard when every millimetre matters so much but she understood and that makes it easier.

All was in preparation for my son’s wedding and the previous post shows how confident it all made me feel.
So thank you, ladies. You probably have no idea what a huge hurdle you helped me over.

On a not so good note, I had my twelfth Herceptin treatment today and the cannula had to go in a couple of inches above my wrist. The veins in my hand are pooped. Melissa was able to get a needle in but not well enough to allow anything through it. My arm still has to receive six more treatments, a general anaesthetic sometime soon and countless blood tests and lord know where we shall end up sticking the needles!

But I guess it’s a small price to pay, although the sooner treatments become less damaging the better.

September 3, 2013

Best best best…


HappyMy son, his beautiful wife, my husband and his beautiful wife

I was there, I saw the look on my son’s face when his bride came through the door…worth every lost hair, every week of nausea, every shot of morphine, every evil chemo. Looking forward to becoming a grandmother (seriously? me?) one day.

Can’t beat the feeling of your husband’s
hand on your bum, either!

No mother should miss her son’s wedding day, so pleeeeeeeease keep clicking the pink ribbon